Why MedTrax?
There are many choices available for DSCSA compliance solutions. So why choose MedTrax? The answer is our people.
MedTrax was built in response to pharmacies needs for DSCSA compliance by a team that has all worked in various roles in and supporting pharmacy operations for decades. We have former inventory clerks, pharmacy techs, buyers, service representatives and more. All of that experience helped us to build a system that has the many demands placed on you and your staff in mind. We understand the daily challenges and difficulties you’re facing and we built MedTrax to make DSCSA compliance one less thing you need to worry about.
The DSCSA is a complex law and can be difficult to understand.
With MedTrax, we can get you on the right track and make compliance easy.
The whole system starts with the EPCIS data formatting of your pedigree files. This complex formatting structure allows us to track individual items, track the entire shipment the items came with and track every one of those items into their original the batch all the way back to the manufacturer and the person who signed off on their manufacture. We then take this data and use it as the foundation for a variety of incredible features to make your life easier.
At the heart of DSCSA compliance is secure storage. Dispensers of medications are required to maintain a database with a variety of security features. From a secure interconnected database that allows for end to end security during the transmission and receipt of your files to a database that is protected against manipulation of data, unauthorized access and that logs all actions, there are a variety of specific security features specifically required by the law. There are others that just make sense. MedTrax has implemented them all to give you the peace of mind you want that your files will be there when you need them.
With all these requirements, the DSCSA could be a huge burden on pharmacies. We have worked to alleviate that burden as much as possible. From automation of data receipt to a simple one scan validation and software integrations, we take the headaches out of compliance. We can even offer you Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to add to your policies and procedures to make sure you are in line with DSCSA standards.
Plus, since we are based in Southern California we are here when you need us. There is no call center with contractors that don’t know what they are talking about. Our employees have all become experts in DSCSA compliance and we look forward to helping you.
MedTrax makes compliance easy and our people make the difference. Call us today and find out what we can do for your pharmacy.